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  2. Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

On Demand Training (eLearning modules)

Can I set the test/quiz so that a certain score must be achieved to trigger the progression rate?

What are verbs?

Does Trak save progress?

Team Leaders/Managers

What is a Team Leader?

Why can't I see my staff?

How do I look up my Team's training history?

How to set up Team Leaders/Managers within TRAK.

How do I enrol someone to a Session?

What is a Gap Report?

My Upcoming Sessions isn't loading


How do I mark attendance on a session?

Can I manage the waitlist?

What happens if someone turns up who is not on the attendance list?

The session has disappeared from the Learning Resource. How do I mark attendance now?

How do I download the attendance list?

User Data

What is the difference between Ingestion ID and UID

When is a user made inactive?

Can I transfer the Ingestion ID to a new user?

What happens if I need to update a user's Ingestion ID?

eLearning Modules

Can I set the test/quiz so that a certain score must be achieved to trigger the progression rate?

You can set up the module so that a Learner will have to repeat the quiz within the session until they hit the required pass rate.
This would result in training history that would simply state ATTEMPTED when they launch the module and then PASS/COMPLETE when they successfully complete the quiz. You can also set up a module so that each time a Learner unsuccessfully completes the quiz, your module can provide a FAIL status and they must reattempt the module. This would result in Learner data showing ATTEMPTED, FAIL, RESET, ATTEMPTED, FAIL, RESET, ATTEMPTED, PASS/COMPLETE.

Additionally, it's up to you as to whether you provide a COMPLETE or PASS status on the module. We accept either.

What are verbs?

Verbs are what we use to categorise each state of a Learner's actions with an eLearning module.

  • ATTEMPT - The Learner opens the module and has not gotten to the end.
  • COMPLETE - This verb is similar to PASS. The Learner will be given the green checkmark that they have completed the eLearning Module. Modules will be marked as COMPLETE if this is the status provided by the module.
  • CREDIT - Typically awarded when minimum academic standards are met.
  • FAIL - The Learner has opened the eLearning Module but failed the test.
  • PASS - This verb is similar to COMPLETE. The Learner will be given the green checkmark that they have completed the eLearning Module. Modules will be marked as PASS if this is the status provided by the module.
  • RESET - This verb marks when a eLearning module has been reset after a Learner quits halfway through the module and selects "Restart" instead of "Continue" previous attempt. See Does Trak save progress?
  • ATTENDED - The Learner has attended the instructor-led training.
  • ABSENT - The Learner was enrolled into an instructor-led training session but did not attend.

Does Trak save progress?

A Learner's session is stored against their profile. When a Leaner returns after they left a module partway through, they will be offered a dialogue which provides them with options:

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 10.52.24 amIf they have recorded a completion for the module, they will be given slightly different options.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 10.56.28 am

Team Leaders/Managers

What is a Team Leader?

A Team Leader is someone who has direct reports. This needs to be organised within the data structure that TRAK receives (see User CSV).

Team Leaders don't automatically see everyone in their organisation, what you should see are the Learners that you have a vested interest in their development.

Click on My Team on the Dashboard to see your Learners, click on their names to see their profile and their training history.

Why can't I see my staff?

If you cannot see your team/staff, please reach out to your User Administrator.

This relates to both internal staff as well as the Dealer Network.

How do I look up my Team's training history?

If you are lucky enough to be an Analytics Admin, then you can extract data in a variety of manners from the Analytics tab, Learning History export.

You can select just one learner, or you can select a whole organisation - or, you can select a Job Description PLUS a particular resource (maybe a instructor led session you want to review) and then click RUN.

TRAK will create a live data extract for you as a CSV to filter, pivot and graph to your heart's content.

If you wish to see only an individual's training history, click on My Team on the left hand navigation bar to see your team and click on their name to see their profile and their training history.

How to set up Team Leaders/Managers within TRAK.

Firstly, it is important to note that anyone who needs to be a 'manager' type role (i.e. they manage staff within their Dealership, or they need to enrol learners in training) need to be given the group ID of trak.teamLeader in COLUMN R of the USER CSV.

Secondly, staff need to have their Manager defined in the USER CSV.

To do this, simply place the ingestionId of the desired manager into COLUMN S for each user that the manager needs to see on TRAK.

Note please: You cannot assign a team leader to a user, if the team leader does not exist in the data already.

How do I enrol someone into a Session?

If you navigate to the Learning Resource you're interested in, and then find a session with available seats, you can click on the "Manage enrolment" button. This will take you to the Manage Enrollments page.

Scroll to the bottom to the "Search learners" section. 

To start searching, type in their surname.

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 1.13.18 pmThe Learner will then be added to the list above the Search learners section.

Click "Save" to save all the Learners added then click on the "Enrol" button to enrol the Learner into the session.

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 1.15.00 pmManage enrolment is designed for Team Leaders, these are the Dealer Managers or Training Administrators within the Organisations in your Network who have been placed in the Team Leader Group in your data. Learners with these permissions have the ability to enrol any of their team into a session.

What is a Gap Report?

The Gap Report is a powerful reporting feature for Team Leaders that provides real-time visibility on how members are progressing through their learning material. It displays each team member's progress through a Learning Plan in a readable, colour co-ordinated grid.

Flexible filtering and sorting controls let Team Leaders find exactly what they need to know about their teams easily and quickly, giving them the information they need to follow up Learners and review training materials.

Why Doesn’t the Team Training Calendar Feature Work for Me?

The feature may not work if there are more than 100 team members assigned to a single team leader. This limitation is due to system performance constraints when handling very large teams. We recommend breaking your team into smaller groups or assigning additional team leaders to manage subsets of your team. This will help ensure the feature works smoothly and efficiently.


How do I mark attendance on a session?

From the learning resource page, pick the session (you might need to click on "View sessions from before today").

From the session, click on "Manage attendance". The page will display the list of users already enrolled in the session (if any). As a trainer, you can change the status of the attendance from here (Attended, Absent, etc.).

You can also add any other users that weren't previously enrolled in the session and mark their attendance as well.

Don't forget to click "Save" to save the changes.

Can I manage the waitlist?

Yes you can. On the "Manage attendance" page, you can add or remove attendees as needed. By unenrolling absentees, Learners on the waitlist will be automatically enrolled.

What happens if someone turns up who is not on the attendance list?

On the "Manage attendance" page, in the "Search Learners" section, type in the name of the Learner. Click on their name and they will appear on the attendance list. Click "Change" next to their name to mark them as attending.

Remember to click "Save" to complete your update.

The session has disappeared from the Learning Resource. How do I mark attendance now?

The session is no longer showing as it occurred in the past. To see past sessions, select "View sessions from before today".

How do I download the attendance list?

To download the attendance list, navigate to the Instructor-led training course, scroll down to the bottom to view the sessions. If the session has passed, click "View sessions from before today". On the session you are after, click on either the button "Manage enrollment" or "Manage attendance", scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the button "Download CSV".

User Data

What is the difference between Ingestion ID and UID

Ingestion ID is your organisation's unique identifier provided in the user data file.

A UID is TRAK's unique identifier which is created once a new Ingestion ID is identified.

When is a user made inactive?

A user’s profile is marked as inactive if their Ingestion ID is missing from the user data file.

Users are not deleted from the database; they are simply marked as inactive to retain the user's training history and certificates in the event the user becomes active again.

Can I transfer the Ingestion ID to a new user?

No. The Ingestion ID is matched to TRAK's UID, training history and certificates.

What happens if I need to update a user's Ingestion ID?

  1. Inform Blue Flag that a user (or users) needs to update their Ingestion ID BEFORE we ingest the new Ingestion ID and create a new UID.
  2. Provide the mapping between the old Ingestion ID and the new Ingestion ID. A simple csv file with two columns suffices.
  3. Blue Flag will manually update the Ingestion ID to the new one, as the UID still remains the same for that user.

If the above process is followed, the user will not need to sign up again. All their training history, enrolments and certificates will not change.