1. TRAK Support
  2. Content Management

How to create and edit Pages in TRAK

This article explains, step by step, how to create and edit Pages in TRAK.

Please note: Creating and editing Pages are exclusive to Content Administrators. If you wish to obtain this permission, kindly communicate with your User Administrator. 

What's covered

Creating a new Page

Editing an existing Page

Banner image

Adding content to the Page

Linking a Learning Resource or a News article to a Page

Custom URL

Page Hierarchy

Restricting Access

Search Settings

Search Results

Creating a new Page

To create a new Page, navigate to the bottom of the left hand navigation bar. Click "All Pages..." and then select the "📓Create new page" button.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 1.29.03 pm A wizard will open on the next page to step you through creating a new Page. Once you have added a page title, the "Create page" button will appear.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 1.32.24 pmYou can now:

Click "Save" and "Publish" once you're ready to go live.

Editing an existing Page

To edit an existing Page, you can either find the page on the left hand navigation (if it appears there) or click on "All pages..." and search for the page you are looking for and click on "View Details" in the search results card.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 1.47.58 pmYou can filter your Advanced Search by whether the Page is Searchable (public or unlisted) or the Page's status (live, draft or deleted).

Click on the "🖊️ Edit" button in the top right corner of the page to edit.

Remember to "Save" and "Publish" once you're ready to go live!

Banner image

To edit the banner image, the page needs to be in edit mode. You can drag a file from your computer into the greyed out area or click to upload a file.

Dimensions for the banner image need to be ~960 x ~360 pixels.

Click "Save" and "Publish"' too publish your changes.

Adding content to the Page

You can add as much content as you like to the page. Format the content using the format bar.

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 11.27.02 am

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Monospace formatting
  • Un-ordered lists
  • Ordered lists
  • Heading 1 to Heading 4 formatting
  • Divider
  • Adding links
  • Embed videos
Click "Save" and "Publish"' too publish your changes.

Linking a Learning Resource or a News article to a Page

To link a Learning Resource or a News article, select the correct area then click "🖊️ Add learning resources" or "🖊️ Add news item".

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 4.21.53 pmTo link to a Learning Resource or multiple Learning Resources, you can search using a keyword or the additional filters (Tags, Stream, Searchable, Status and Type). Add the Learning Resource you would like linked by clicking the "+". Once done, you can exit out of the widget using the "x" in the top right corner.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 4.24.21 pmNews article links are managed via the tags. Multiple News tags can be selected or create a new tag for future use by typing the new tag label and selecting "Create".

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 4.31.21 pmClick "Save" and "Publish"' too publish your changes.

Custom URL

If a custom URL is used, it must only contain lowercase letter, numbers and / or hyphens. If you want to create a general "about" page for your app, set the custom URL to about. It will be accessible via a separate "Help & About" button in the navigation sidebar.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 4.35.01 pmClick "Save" and "Publish"' too publish your changes.

Page Hierarchy

Choose the parent page by clicking on "None selected". Search for the parent page and click "+" to add the parent page. If there is no parent page, leave this blank.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 4.37.14 pmIf the page you are editing is a parent page, the option to reorder the child pages will be available. Use the eight dots on the left to drag and reorder the child pages.

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 1.31.57 pm

Click "Save" and "Publish"' to publish your changes.

Restricting Access

You can select one or more groups you would like to restrict access to on this page. If a parent page has been selected in the Page Hierarchy selector, the parent page's restrictions will be inherited.

You can only restrict by group permissions. To create a new group, please add to the Group csv and then to the corresponding users in the userGroups.ingestionId column in the User csv.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 4.40.09 pmClick "Save" and "Publish"' to publish your changes.

Search Settings

You can manage whether the page is searchable or not in the search settings.

Setting to public means that anyone can find the page via searching while setting as unlisted means that the page will not show up as a search result but can still be navigated to by sharing a URL.

Click "Save" and "Publish"' too publish your changes.

Search Results

This is a preview of how the page will appear as a card in the search result. Adding a short description (~200 chraracters) will allow Learners to have an understanding of what the page is about before navigating to the page.

Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 9.15.18 am