Learning Plans - Best Practices

This page outlines strategies for optimising the utilisation of Learning Plans.

A Learning Plan is a structured and organised set of Learning Resources designed to help individuals achieve specific learning objectives or goals. Learning Plans provide a roadmap for Learners, outlining the sequence of modules and Sessions they need to complete in order to acquire certain knowledge, skills, or competencies.

Key features of a Learning Plan in an LMS include:

  1. Curriculum Design: Learning Plans are designed by Learning Administrators to ensure a logical progression of content. They determine the sequence and prerequisites for various Learning Resources.

  2. Learning Objectives: Each Learning Plan is built around specific learning objectives or outcomes. These objectives guide the selection of Learning Resources to measure mastery.

  3. Resources: Learning Plans include a variety of Learning Resources divided in Sections (a maximum of 10 sections and 15 learning resources per section). These resources facilitate learning and help Learners achieve their goals.

  4. Progress Tracking: Learners can monitor their advancement through the plan. This helps Learners stay motivated and on track.

  5. Certification: Successfully completing a Learning Plan or a Section of a learning plan may result in the issuance of certificates to acknowledge the Learner's accomplishment.

Best Practise to Design a Learning Plan

Designing an effective Learning Plan involves thoughtful consideration and careful planning. Here are some best practices to help you create a successful Learning Plan:

  1. Clearly Define Objectives: Start by identifying clear and specific learning objectives. What do you want Learners to achieve by completing the Learning Plan? Objectives help guide the content and activities you include.

  2. Understand Your Audience: Consider the background, knowledge level, and learning preferences of your target audience. Tailor the Learning Plan to meet their needs and provide relevant content.

  3. Sequential Structure: Organise the Learning Plan in a logical sequence. Start with foundational concepts before progressing to more complex topics. Each step should build upon the previous one.

  4. Variety of Resources: Offer a diverse range of Learning Resources, such as videos, readings, interactive activities, quizzes, etc. Different formats cater to various learning styles and engage Learners effectively.

  5. Interactive and Engaging Content: Incorporate interactive elements, simulations, case studies, discussions, and real-world examples to keep Learners engaged and apply theoretical concepts.

  6. Practical Application: Provide opportunities for Learners to apply what they've learned. Include practical exercises, projects, or scenarios that simulate real-world situations.

  7. Regular Review and Updates: Periodically review and update the Learning Plan to ensure its relevance and accuracy. Reflect changes in technology, industry trends, or best practices.

  8. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate Learners' achievements, whether through certificates or other recognition, to motivate and encourage continued learning.

  9. Align with Organisational Goals: Ensure that the Learning Plan aligns with broader organisational goals and objectives to drive meaningful skill development and contribute to business outcomes.

Remember that an effective Learning Plan is not static; it evolves based on Learner feedback and changing needs. Regularly monitor its effectiveness and make adjustments as necessary to provide a valuable and impactful learning experience.